Photo: Video:TIMES of Oman
SpaceX has announced that they intend to send 2 private individuals around the moon in 2018. Elon Musk indicated that the two individuals have already given a substantial deposit and will begin training soon. SpaceX will be using their Falcon Heavy Rocket for the trip. This rocket will be tested in the summer of 2017 and will be the largest rocket currently used in space. SpaceX indicates that the Falcon Heavy Rocket has two thirds of the thrust of the Saturn V. All of the Falcon Heavy boosters will return to Earth to re-used. In this way SpaceX hopes to drive costs of the mission down. This philosophy will reduce the costs of future space travel and will be the saviour for all manned space missions. This mission exemplifies how private industry will keep space travel costs down and provides hope for the human race. Maddalena Environmental Inc. Al Maddalena |