I saw the movie, read the book then read the "Science of Interstellar" by Kip Thorne, the renowned physicist that was the scientific consultant for the movie. I couldn't get enough of the movie and then the science explained by Kip Thorne, just put it all together for me. I loved the book.
To say the least, I loved the movie, not only for the amazing special affects but for it's consistency with current scientific theories. Kip Thorne made sure of that. The movie was conceived by Kip and his wife who at first had Steven Spielberg lined up as director. Spielberg loved the script and would have been the director had it not been for some legal contractual obligation he had with a major motion picture company. So Spielberg had to decline and the hunt was on for another director. Kip Thorne's wife was already aquainted with Christopher Nolan's wife and so they talked. Now as it seems, the script for Interstellar was written by Christopher Nolan's brother so it didn't take much convincing to get Chris Nolan on board. Kip had only 1 condition, that the movie had to reflect the current scientific theories and principals as closely as possible. Christopher Nolan had no problem with this, so Interstellar was born. To me, the scientific principles were elegantly portrayed and this made the movie extremely satisfying to me. Of course there were some assumptions, but everything in Interstellar was based on equations and calculations made by Kip Thorne. He gave these equations to the special affects guys who used them in their computer graphics programs! You can't get any more accurate than that! Niel DeGrasse Tyson also commented on how closely Interstellar portrayed science. Obvoiusly, knowing a little about the scientific principles makes the movie more enjoyable. So if you have not seen Interstellar yet, read up on black holes and worm holes and how they distort space and time. Read about Einstein's Theory of Relativity too because his true genius is only now being proven as we now have the technology to test his theories, all of which have been proven correct. Leaning a little bit about these principles will make viewing Interstellar a truly enjoyable experience. I purposely did not go into the details of the movie because I am not one to spoil the suspense and anticipation. I am just going to say, that this movie portrayed scientific principles as accurately as I have ever seen (I saw it twice). It also portrayed the "cruel reality of relativity". You'll know what I mean when you see it. Oh, and make sure you see it on the big screen... Gargantua needs to be seen on a REALLY big screen! Al Maddalena Maddalena Environmental Inc |